#NigerianEconomy #Socio-EconomicLandscape Replay Nigerian Economic Outlook: Prospects for business owners, and corporate leaders Dr Olu Olasode Session: Socio-Economic Landscape
The World Is Not the Same Anymore Evolution, Revolution, Or Transformation Times of change create opportunities as well as threats. For some companies, the current economic environment will challenge their very survival. While for others the downturn offers the chance to extend their lead over the competition. “High performing” companies will be looking at ways […]
A New World Order Coping with Global Uncertainties Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, the global economy has experienced one great crisis after another. First, it was the sub-prime debt problem of the United States. Then the collapse of confidence in the global banking system. Today, it is the problem of the Euro […]
Artificial Intelligence Now that Machines are Coming for our Jobs Over the years, the African economy has witnessed the remarkable transformation that has paved the way for the continent’s enormous growth and subsequently improved the standard of living of millions of people. The continent accounts for about 15% of the world’s population and is a […]